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A member registered Nov 04, 2017

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I joined this website so I could leave a review on this game which took deviantART's attention the past couple of days, the game was for free, but the price isn't neither too cheap or too expensive (5 USD), so it's well priced for a game like this.

Coming from such a young developer who begun this game since the were 11? if I'm not wrong, this is an amazing piece.

The soundtrack was composed entirely by her and she has never had anything to do with music her whole life (This is what you get told at the beginning), the only thing here is that it  needs some work because it's a little bit too short, but it's not that bad as the developer thinks, the best track, which I think we all can agree, is the one that plays once you get into the boss fight with Kellin.

This game's gender isn't really just one: it's like a mix between comedy, drama and action. which  is what makes it more unique.

I love the close bond between Nawara and her magician father ( I  forgot his name already rofl).  It makes me wish I could hug my dad just one more time because he passed away a few years ago, so this game clearly shows how much a parent cares about you, even though they aren't biological, right?

The graphics in the game are very cool too, they are what caught me into getting this game at first.

I got the " bad " (?) Ending at first as an accident, I think it's called "The revenge ending" but I don't remember good enough, then I remembered how I got it so I re-loaded an old save file and got the good ending, which is really beautiful, and my eyes cried out a little.

This game is really emotional, and I hope it gets as far as possible.